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Our Neoprene Rubber sheeting is a synthetic rubber widely used in outdoor applications due to its excellent resistance to weathering, ozone, and ageing.


Each full roll is 10 metres long x 1.4 meters wide and is supplied in either a 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm 3mm or 6mm thickness.


If your requirement is on a slightly smaller scale then you can take the sheeting in cut lengths, 1.4 meters wide and in 1 metre increments up to 9 metres long.


Still too much for your needs? Then you can take the material in small, A4 sized sheets (8¼” x 11¾” 210mm x 297mm)


It has a good resistance to high temperatures and does not soften under extreme exposure like Natural Rubber. It can be compounded to make it flame retardant and is available in both a solid rubber and an expanded foam.


Neoprene is ideal in applications such as gaskets, hoses, protective coatings, o-rings and seals.


Not quite what you are looking for? Why not email us with your requirements at

Neoprene Rubber Sheeting

PriceFrom £12.99
VAT Included
  • 21kg per each 1mm thick roll

    32kg per each 1.5mm thick roll

    42kg per each 2mm thick roll

    63kg per each 3mm thick roll

    126kg per each 6mm thick roll 

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